Our congratulations go to Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools and his team on winning the Broad Prize for Urban Education. The prize provides $550K in college scholarships. You can do your part to support our public schools. Our community action through programs including the www.AOIT.org truly makes a difference. Attend the ITPalooza session on IT Internships to learn how to prepare your company for interns. Hire an IT intern, prepare our next generation for success. If you live in Miami-Dade, I implore you to vote in favor of the $1.2B school bond referendum. Superintendent Carvalho has earned our trust. More..
We’re inviting all tech group leaders and all IT professionals to participate in the planning of ITPalooza – South Florida Tech User Group and Holiday Party 12/12/12. Please visit the ITPalooza website for the event information, and contact Alex directly for the Tuesday 4pm weekly conference call details.
SharePoint Saturday on 12/1/12 at NSU is now open for registration, session details going up next week.
ITPalooza produces over 1000 results Monday, October 29 2012 Staff reporter
In just a few short weeks, Google reports about 1,080 results for ITPalooza South Florida. Thanks to social media and all the User Group leaders who have linked to the site. I encourage all group leaders to help drive registration for this South Florida landmark event.
ITPalooza, Information for User Group Leaders PDF version
Register now for your FREE ITPalooza tickets! Monday, October 29 2012 Staff Reporter
It’s really easy to get your FREE ITPalooza tickets. That’s right, you can get a FREE ITPalooza ticket when you select to donate a ‘Toys for Tots’ gift. Alternatively, $12 tickets are available through November 12th thereafter $25. We are arranging for the Marines to be onsite to collect all the ‘Toys for Tots’ gifts.
Here’s an interesting article spotlighting the tri-county tech community. |
View from a Road Warrior: Building a tri-county tech community Rosston Meyer
Tech entrepreneurs scattered throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties face challenges to establish and expand support services outside of the metropolitan Miami locale. I have firsthand experience as an involved participant in the tech community, while living in central Palm Beach County. This post explores the genesis of the tri-county tech support system presently emerging outside of Miami. More..
News from ITPalooza Monday October 22 2012, Staff Reporter
The Job Opportunities Room at ITPalooza is a special place to promote your company’s hiring needs. Meet with prospective candidates on the spot. Any level of sponsorship greatly appreciated for participation.
ITPalooza is now only 7 weeks away. We are at our projected goal of 50 committed South Florida Tech User Groups – see who’s coming so far by visiting the User Groups Page. Sponsorships are still coming in and we are at about 60% of our goal. If you are one of our Industry Sponsors or participating user groups, please book your classroom space today by contacting Alex@SherlockTech.com or upload your session details using the Session Submission Form.
ITPalooza Projected Attendee Infographic PDF version
ITPalooza on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Monday October 22 2012, Staff Reporter
We need your help to promote ITPalooza through your favorite social media platform. Visit ITPalooza.com and share using the convenient social bar that should be on the left side of your screen.

We’re trying to reach 1000 Facebook fans and we need your help! Please head on over to our page and HIT THE LIKE BUTTON!
ITPalooza 12/12/12 Musician Call Monday September 24, staff reporter.
Calling all Musicians. The “Palooza” part of the ITPalooza – South Florida Tech Holiday Party 12/12/12, is for the live music performed by musicians from our tech community. If you are a decent to good musician and want to join the ITPalooza band, let us know by contacting Alex directly! Lenny Chesal is our band director and drummer extraordinaire.
Try the new ‘Apply with LinkedIn’ button on our website and leverage the power of your profile when applying for a position through the SherlockTech Staffing website. More..