Tech Events |
Tuesday, April 16
 Southeast Florida IASA: Architectural Artifacts of successful systems with Page Horton
Wednesday, April 17
 SFSSUG – T-SQL Features in SQL Server 2012
 WITI – Personal and Enterprise IT Security
Thursday, April 18
 ISSA – Monthly meeting
 Dot net Miami – Database Design Disasters and an Introduction to Typescript
Friday, April 19
 SoFloPHP – Open subject and/or hack night
Tuesday, April 23
 West Palm Dev: Azure Media Services w/ Jason Milgram
Wednesday, April 24
 OWASP South Florida – April Meeting
Thursday, April 25
 CIO Council – The Tech Skills Gap
Sponsored by SherlockTech
 SFTA – Cyberslacking in South Florida

Saturday, April 27
 Azure Florida Association Global Windows Azure Bootcamp w/ Herve Roggero
 Lock and Key Singles Event @ Blue Martini – Brikell, Miami
Monday, April 29
 Geek Girls Happy Hour at Morton’s
Tuesday, April 30
 Sandler Sales Institute – IT Sales Clinic – Use promocode: “MakeMoreDeals" for 100% savings
Wednesday, May 1
 SFSSUG – Talmo Sampaio
Thursday, May 2
 WordPress – Content Curation Tools for WordPress
Friday, May 3
 TEDx Delray Beach – The Human Experience
Sunday, May 5
 Executive Women in IT – Private Brunch and Networking Retreat
Monday, May 6
 The STEM Advisory Board Presents The 7th Annual Student/Industry Conference
 Please click here for the Miami-Dade County Public Schools NAF Internships form.
Community News
 Help support our Microsoft community events with books, swag, sponsorships, and event promotion.
This logo means the event is sponsored by SherlockTech
We believe that an educated community of technology professionals strengthens our companies, builds our economic region, and enhances all of our lives. That’s why we are active in the South Florida technology community and why we proudly sponsor a wide range of events and user groups.
We would also appreciate the opportunity to serve your company’s hiring needs by providing the best professionals our IT community has to offer for your specialized technical requirements.
Girls Who Code |
Miami based John S. and James L. Knight Foundation will be funding the expansion of Girls who Code to Miami later this year. Launched in Spring 2012, Girls Who Code is a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors. Girls Who Code works to educate, inspire, and equip high school girls with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities in computing fields.
ITWomen is running its Role Model Speakers program in Miami-Dade and Broward throughout the year. If you are interested in joining this worthy cause, please contact Arlene Willis
Women in IT are doing well in South Florida and SherlockTech has some smoking hot jobs available right now. Visit our complete jobs listings and then contact our Miami office to learn more.
This past weekend SherlockTech sponsored the Costa Rica CodeCamp and SQL Saturday event. Click here for a photo snapshot
Try the new ‘Apply with LinkedIn’ button on our website and leverage the power of your profile when applying for a position through the SherlockTech Staffing website. More..
CIO Council Meeting – The Tech Skills Gap, April 25 |
Our 6th annual "State of the CIO" event is Thursday morning April 25th at the Signature Grand. Looking forward to seeing you there! |
Gary Beach, Publisher Emeritus of CIO Magazine, will deliver the keynote address and moderate a panel of industry leaders regarding the Tech Skills Gap facing our nation and what IT executives are doing about it.
View the Event Flyer. You may also want to view the sponsorship levels.
The CIO Council is providing Free Shared Table Space in the Exhibit Hall to Representatives of the Educational Community. The purpose is to promote the availability of your student interns. Paid registration is required, please contact Alex to reserve your portion of the Free Shared Table Space. If you would like to participate in, please inform Alex as well.
Alex serves as Chair of the CIO Council Communications committee.
Publishing a Windows Store App
Session on the Anatomy of publishing a Windows store app followed by a hackathon.
Join Homnick Systems and the Gold Coast Users Group at Dadeland Microsoft Store on May 23 at 4pm for a Windows 8 presentation and Hackathon
Joe will start the Hackathon with an overview of the three Windows Store Apps he has worked on and published the last couple of months. He will then be available to help you if you want to work on your own Windows Apps until they kick us out. Whether you will be working on an App or not, come on by for a typically interactive and fun presentation by Joe on Windows 8 Apps.
One Community One Goal
Coming up May 8, The Beacon Council – One Community One Goal project will hold a free update event at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus. Increasing the number of Internships is one important goal of this long-term project that I have personally embraced. Tickets are provided at no charge, but you must register.
Help NSU’s Computer Museum
As computers and technology continue to evolve and impact every facet of modern life, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to preserve and catalog the rich history of this rapidly changing industry, as a reminder of where we’ve been and where we’re going. Last year, the Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences established a Computer Museum.
Our goal is to have machines from various eras and computing power. Recently I was made aware of an unbelievable opportunity to get a Cray T94 Supercomputer for $10,000. This machine when new in 1995 was millions of dollars.
Seymour Cray was an electrical engineer and supercomputer architect who designed the fastest computers in the world for decades. He has been credited with creating the supercomputer industry. More..
HackaNUI – Natural User Interface Hackathon coming to Boca, June 1 |
SherlockTech Staffing is proud to be a sponsor for the first HackaNUI Hackathon to be held in Boca Raton Saturday, June 1.
HackaNUI is the first of its kind Hackathon dedicated to creating applications centered around Natural User Interface (NUI) technologies. HackaNUI is the creation of mLabs and LiveMetrics.
Get My Interns Button and Banners Staff reporter |
Promotional Buttons, Banners and Embedded code are now available for this important program. Pleas visit the Button Page and add to your website and upcoming newsletters.
> Five-week, 150 hour internship opportunity June-July, 2013 > Prepared students enrolled in M-DCPS academy programs of: Engineering, Finance, Health Sciences, Hospitality & Tourism and Information Technology > Interns come covered by accident insurance; therefore, there is no employer liability > Students receive academic credit; compensation can be via payroll or tax-deductible stipend, scholarship and/or community service hours > Questions? Please contact Julie Kennedy or call 305-995-1922 |
The STEM Advisory Board Call For Speakers and Employers, May 6 |
The STEM Advisory Board is recruiting industry speakers for breakout sessions at the upcoming 7th Annual Student/Industry Conference. Concurrent breakout sessions follow the keynote from 10:15-11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Please click here to download the speaker form. Please contact if you would like to present a session on one of the defined topics. More..
Employers planning to participate in Internships are recommended to attend the Employer Internship Preparation session from 8am to 9am. Please click here for the Miami-Dade County Public Schools NAF Internships form.
Alex serves on the STEM Advisory Board and is the Immediate past chair of the Academy Of Information Technology (AOIT).
Click here to view all opportunities |
Winning Number 1311
Do you have this week’s number? Email or call 305-651-6500 to collect your CASH at an upcoming user group event. |
Refer Candidates and/or Hiring Managers to receive $500 referral bonus cash with successful placements. Just send an email introduction to Alex. |