Join Tery Howard, CTO of the Miami Dolphins and hundreds of fellow technology enthusiasts, professionals and novices for a weekend of tech learning and development. Our goal is to eliminate technology illiteracy. TechWeekend@theDolphins presents a Hack-a-thon, a Teach-a-thon, multiple tracks and technical sessions. From entry level coding sessions that teach the basics of HTML, CSS & JavaScript, to advanced mobile apps running in the cloud, you will learn how to build and deploy today’s technology. Just bring your laptop and enthusiasm. Hundreds of tickets to the Thursday, Nov. 13th Dolphins vs. Bills game are among the prize winnings.
An entire weekend with:
• Hackathons
• Meetups
• IT Pro Track
• Coding Track
• Teach-a-thon
*Free Parking*
Hundreds of Dolphins tickets and other prizes to be awarded to attendees!
Learn more here: