ITPalooza invites you to vote for the sessions you would like to attend at ITPalooza. To vote, simply visit the ‘Vote for Sessions’ page and vote using the social networking share icons – YT”S THAT SIMPLE!
We’ve chosen the industry standard Facebook ‘like’ button we’ve added a Facebook ‘share’ button, linkedIn and Twitter, so you can share your favorite sessions on your timeline and help spread the word about how cool ITPalooza is.
In the near future we may also add share options for LinkedIn and Twitter. Please be sure to re-visit the ballot from time to time as we are adding new sessions all the time.
We will tally up all the votes and publish the results to the schedule page on November the 4th to correspond with the 2014 mid-term elections.
We still have a live schedule page because some sessions are exempt from voting.
If you are interested in presenting a session at ITPalooza 2014, please visit the signup page where you can create a speaker profile and upload your session details and presentation stack.
This year, ITPalooza will run sessions in four time slots, starting on the hour, beginning at 1 PM. We are waiting for the final classroom count as this will determine the total number of session we can schedule.