Mark your calendar, August 23rd; SherlockTech is proud to sponsor a joint meeting of the Miami Users Group and the Azure SF User Group, presenting Implementing a Secure Cloud Infrastructure with Azure VM and Virtual Network by Joe Homnick. The event will be held at Oggi Caffe right here in the SherlockTech building.
On Friday this week the Windows 8 Developer Camp will cover Windows 8 Release Preview from top to bottom.
On Wednesday, August 15 the Cloud Security Alliance of South Florida will meet at the offices of Peak 10 where Bill Tabor will present on two topics, "Identity Access Management in the Cloud – does your company know for sure who just logged onto your cloud?” and “How to produce Secure Video Surveillance in the Cloud”. RSVP:
Miami brings home the gold in awards and scholarships
In my capacity as Chair of the AOIT Advisory Board for the Miami-Dade Public Schools System, I was honored to attend this years NAF Next Conference held in Washington DC, July 16-19. A highlight was Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education who addressed the conference remarking "I want to thank everyone here for your tireless work to prepare all students for success in college and careers. I especially want to thank the talented teachers in the room, for the incredible difference you make in the lives of young people." Read the full transcript.
Miami educators, administrators, schools and student all shone brightly at this years conference. In addition to winning awards and scholarships, Miami educational leaders presented at 23 Academy themed seminars. Press Release..
Miami hosts Back-to-back tech events for entrepreneurs and developers
As you can see from this week’s event list, August is a busy month with two week-end long events. Starting Friday August 10th you can get your geek on all weekend with the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon. The event includes a great list of speakers. The following weekend, Lean Startup Machine comes to Miami and offers a three-day workshop where attendees use Customer Development and Lean Startup principles to validate an idea for a new product or service. More..
Try "Apply with LinkedIn"

Try the new ‘Apply with LinkedIn’ button on our website and leverage the power of your profile when applying for a position through the SherlockTech Staffing website. More..
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Thank you,
Alex Funkhouser,