This Saturday and Sunday, October 25th-26th TechWeekend @theDolphins presents meetups, code-sessions and hack-a-thons all designed to eliminate technological illiteracy. In addition, there will be a special C-level roundtable entitled ‘Technology of Entertainment’ presented on Saturday from 10-11AM. The roundtable features Tery Howard, CTO of Miami Dolphins and John Spade, CTO or Florida Panthers discussing ‘Engaging relationship drivers with entertainment’.
If you are a CIO or Senior Technology Leader in your company and you would like to participate in this exciting event, please contact
Did you know that during the next four months, you have the opportunity to connect with over 4,000 South Florida buyers and influencers in the technology and marketing sectors. Would you like to increase sales from stronger connections with more clients? I can help you tailor a customized sponsorship package to meet your special objectives – email