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Local tech industry continues to grow

By Daniel Vasquez, Sun Sentinel Columnist

I am always happy to report that the shores of Silicon Beach, South Florida’s local high-technology industry, continue to spread thanks to the right support and resources. The latest evidence is the expansion of the Technology Business Incubator at the Research Park at Florida Atlantic University. FAU’s Boca Raton campus is home to TBI, which in turn is home to 22 startup tech companies that rely on the incubator to provide business guidance and consulting services to get them to the next level. More..

ITPalooza House Band Full Concert now on YouTube

By: Robert “Scott” Katarincic, lead guitar, The ITPalooza House Band

The playlist plays in the order the songs were performed. There were a few technical glitches but overall I think it was an overwhelming success. Everyone had a chance to shine on stage. I left in a lot of the “between-song chat” because most of it was fun. Be sure to share with your friends and colleagues, click “like” and bump up the view count. Special thanks to Rodney Mackey for videotaping the concert for us.  Thanks to everyone else involved and have a happy, safe and prosperous New Year!

ITPalooza 12/12/12 YouTube Playlist

ITWomen Role Model Speakers (RMS) Program

By Staff reporter

Closing the gender gap in technology: encouraging young women to enter technology fields. The ITWomen Role Model Speakers Program (RMS) is an integral program for ITWomen. Our mission is “to encourage young women in middle school and high school to enter the fields of Technology and Engineering, in order to reach their full potential and to make inroads to closing the gender gap in these fields”. These students empowered with the knowledge of existing Technology and Engineering careers, the opportunity to participate in corporate internship programs and the availability of Scholarship funds. More..