by SherlockTalent
It is critical in the time of COVID-19 that your employees be fully trained on protective measures. This fulfills your goal of keeping your workforce, and your workplace, healthy and safe. Just as important, you need to assure your customers that you are doing everything you can to protect them as well. The certified on-line COVID-19 training courses from ScaleUp Executives make it easy to educate your employees, contractors, and vendors on coronavirus protection.
For friends of Sherlock, — save 20% on your entire order, through the end of August, by using the code: SHERLOCK20 at checkout. Choose an industry-specific course that fits your needs at
by SherlockTalent
Together we are stronger. And together we can make a difference. Due to the current health situation in our community, 10 leading healthcare systems are joining forces, creating to help keep South Floridians safe and healthy during the pandemic.
We all need to do our part:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- The CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
- Stay home as much as you can. If you must leave your home, the CDC recommends staying at least six feet from people who are not from your household, in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
For more information on what you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from COVID-19, see the CDC’s prevention tips. Remember, prevention saves lives.
by SherlockTalent
CareerSource South Florida (CSSF) announces the
COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund, designed to support small businesses and/or community-based organizations (CBOs) within Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties facing financial impacts and potential layoffs from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The fund provides grants to eligible small businesses and/or CBOs affected by the Public Health Emergency Declaration.
Recipients may receive up to $10,000.00 from the COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund 30 calendar days following the expiration of Executive Order 20-51 or until funds are exhausted, whichever occurs first.
The following scale will be utilized to award grants:
- 3–10 full-time employees up to $5,000.00
- 11–25 full-time employees up to $7,500.00
- 26–50 full-time employees up to $10,000.00
by SherlockTalent
It is our goal in Workforce Education to provide the state’s workforce with the tools and training opportunities needed to get back to work. Please share this information with your network, family, and friends.
Re-employment Assistance is Available.
The Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), which handles unemployment compensation claims, is now allowing paper applications for those unable to complete the online application due to capacity challenges for the online application. This LINK will allow applicants to register with the DEO and apply online or download the paper application. If applying with a paper application, applicants must print, complete and mail the application to DEO. People applying for Re-employment Assistance should first try to use the online application system for expediency; however, due to the high volume of applications and capacity issues, if the system is not responding, paper applications are available. CareerSource Broward one-stop centers also have printed copies of the application and FedEx is offering free printing and mailing of the Re-employment Assistance applications.
For more information please visit COVID-19 Resources for Florida Employers & Individuals
Career Source Broward offers up to $12,000 for individuals who are unemployed or under-employed (single making 40K or less per year) to pay for training. BC students and prospective students may qualify for this great opportunity to get funding for an Associate of Science, Technical Certificate, Continuing Education courses, or Bachelor’s degree.
Help us spread the word about this great opportunity! Please find the list of BC approved programs on this link. Click HERE for more information.
Workforce Education Information Webinars.
Now is the time to encourage individuals to pursue an advanced certificate or technical degree. COVID-19 has caused a great disruption in our world, country, community, jobs, and family. An advanced certificate or technical degree could be just the credential needed for those whose employment was negatively affected by the CoronaVirus. Please share this link and invite them to the Broward College Workforce Education Webinars.
Mildred Coyne, Ed.D.,
Senior Vice President, Workforce Education and Innovation, Broward College
by SherlockTalent
Be aware that there is a lot of misinformation on social media sites as well as a number of sites containing malware. Also be on the lookout for phishing email offering Coronavirus information, cures, and supplies.
With South Florida under a “Safer At Home” policy, a majority of South Floridians will be working from home for the foreseeable future.
TechLauderdale will continue to provide opportunities to learn from our experts.