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Like Cat-Nip to investors.

Our region is fast becoming a hot-bed of innovation and start-up – which is a good thing. On the plus side it brings investments, job opportunity and economic growth. But just because you have a great idea, and even if you have funding to develop and market your product, doesn’t mean it will be plain sailing.

Let’s say your idea is not only brilliant but also disruptive – yes, disruptive – meaning it’s likely to cause a paradigm shift in the market. This is the holy-grail of start-ups and Cat-Nip to investors.

Stormy seas ahead.

But even then, there could well be stormy seas ahead. Sometimes regulation and legislation can get in the way of progress. The most recent technology to fall foul of the regulators is ride sharing, long suffering from regional anxiety, popular ride-share pioneers Uber have finally been pushed out by our neighbors Broward County. The county recently rules that Uber (and competitor Lyft) could legally operat in Broward but under stringent regulation which Uber fels are not in the interest of its drivers. Lyft also announced that it too will leave Broward.

A network disrupted.

Uber and Lyft have built a network of convenience that gives consumers a choice about how they get from A to B – something so simple and yet we give it little thought. Broward residents now have one less choice.

Read the Sun Sentinel article



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