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One of the nice things about the work-from-home environment is that you have a lot of control over your social network. Meeting someone is an intentional act. You have to set up a time and mode for the meeting. You can choose the view you want on videoconference software.

When there is someone at work you don’t get along with, you don’t have to see them that often. You certainly don’t have to schedule one-on-one meetings with them (assuming they are not your boss), and you can mostly ignore them in group meetings. You may even have a work friend you text during meetings about them (not that I’m recommending that).

It’s important that you make other people aware of your concerns before heading back into your workplace.

As more and more offices are returning to some in-person work, though, the haphazard encounters of daily life are likely to bring you into contact with that dreaded colleague. On top of that, your in-person reactions to other people have to hide that contempt you may be feeling.

Read the complete FastCompany article BY ART MARKMAN:

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