Okay, maybe not everything. But classic Christmas movies have a lot to teach us about our relationship to money.
While holiday movies seem to be pretty straightforward as a genre, there’s no avoiding some of the money lessons baked right into the story.
A Christmas Carol teaches us that sometimes ghostly intervention is the only way to ensure employers pay a living wage.
It’s a Wonderful Life makes it clear that a heartless commitment to capitalism is the leading cause of Christmas Eve despair (and angelic intervention).
Even Die Hard teaches us the folly of putting too much weight on fancy presents—like Rolex watches. But not all money lessons are as easy to see beneath the feel-good stories of families coming together, love conquering all, and the inevitability of shooting one’s eye out. As you settle down to enjoy these three holiday classics, keep an eye out for the financial lessons you might be picking up while watching without previously realizing it.
Read the complete Fast Company article BY EMILY GUY BIRKEN: https://www.fastcompany.com/90997860/financial-lessons-from-classic-christmas-movies