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Much like negotiating your salary when you get a job offer, there are a lot of factors to consider.

Q: How do I ask for a raise?

This is one of the most common (and tricky) workplace questions. In fact, according to surveys, some 50% to 70% of employees think they don’t make enough money. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just tell your boss “I think I should be making 10% more” and they’d agree? Or better yet, if all salaries were transparent and everyone received fair and equitable compensation? 

Unfortunately that’s not how it usually works. Much like negotiating your salary when you get a job offer, there are a lot of factors to consider.

1. Timing. Know when raises are typically given. Is it during end-of-year performance reviews? Midyear reviews? Knowing when a raise pool is most likely a planned part of the company’s budget sets you up to be able to pull from it. It’s not that you can get a raise only at these times but it makes it easier to get a yes to your request for a pay bump.

Read the complete article BY KATHLEEN DAVIS:

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