- Date: Wednesday ~ January 22, 2025
- Time: 6:00pm to 8:30pm
- Location: Microsoft Ft Lauderdale
- 6750 N. Andrews Ave., Suite 400, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
Session Description:
Post analysis/audit of Florida’s 2024 Presidential Elections. We will investigate using voter records from Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island. Did anyone vote in multiple states? Did anyone attempt to vote multiple times within Florida? Were Floridian’s who are still on probation or are sex offenders able to vote in the November 2024 elections?
This will be a 1-hour quick presentation and 1 hour where individuals/groups can grab a copy of all the data provided and review themselves to investigate for themselves on any voter irregularities.
Please remember, the data can have errors, no one you find in the database who wasn’t supposed to vote or voted multiple times until the data is verified thru election offices either in Florida or in other states.
Speaker: Andrew Ladanowski
Andrew Ladanowski has over 30 year’s experience in software development, database management and network management. Currently provides his services thru his company www.addinsol.com to a multitude of companies. Media has covered his expertise in elections since 2013, where Andrew was reporting on election integrity issues to media and the appropriate authorities.
When Florida first created, the Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS), Andrew was the second person hired for the team and the only one in that team with background in databases to analyze the data and had a proven track record for finding election integrity issues
- Pizza and Networking starts at 6pm.
- Session is from 6:30pm. – 8:30pm.
- Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing
- Power BI
- Data Visualization
- Microsoft Azure
- Data Analytics
- IMPORTANT: Contact Diana via Meet-up to let you in past 6:30pm