This is an important practice to help you set goals that are really important to you, and then actually achieve them.
When is the last time you paused and reflected on your year with intention? Not your year-end review at work, not looking at your numbers and where you are in your business. Your year.
The hustle is real, so we rarely do this. Instead, many of us focus keenly on new year’s resolutions that often fall by the wayside come March. But gauging where you are is important to your growth. Equally as important is celebrating all the amazing things you’ve accomplished and reflect on what could have gone better.
This is an important practice to help you set goals that are really important to you, and then actually achieve them. Whether I’m working with executives or entrepreneurs, I suggest using my “Top Five” framework when doing your year-end reflection to be thoughtful as you look back at how far you’ve come, and be intentional in setting some powerful personal and professional goals for the year ahead.
Grab a pen and paper or your journal, and write down your answers to the following questions …
Read the complete Fast Company article by ZEE CLARKE: