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Reading an article on 2022 priorities for CEOs and the board by McKinsey recently reinforced my view that this is not just for large corporates, as so many people think. The priorities are equally valid for SMEs, too – especially those looking for growth in the years ahead.

So, what are these 5 priorities, and how might they apply to your business?

  1. Sustainability – investors and shareholders are increasingly looking at sustainability issues before investing in a business. This, together with ESG reporting becoming widespread means it is now an essential consideration for business and is also a key component of the next point, Purpose.

Considerations include not just core elements of the business, particularly in higher-carbon environments, but also how to reduce carbon footprint throughout the organization, as well as looking at other environmental and social concerns. All levels of staff should be encouraged to provide input on these areas so an overall strategy can be developed to address the key areas. The greatest success is found when companies look at sustainability issues at a topical level, rather than just having a very broad company overview.

Attribution: Read the complete Businessfitenss article by Guy Whitcroft here: published in the blog

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