We need your help! In preparation for SQLSaturday #141, we are sponsoring a ‘Bag-Stuffing’ party at Doral starting at 6PM on Wednesday, June 13th. We will provide plenty of Pizza, so even if you can’t attend the main event, you can still play an important role by coming to this pre-event event. Remember, the success of SQLSaturday depends on the efforts of our fantastic volunteers!
For Love or Money? Your IT Career
Join me at SQLSaturday, June 16th 1:15PM, Room 1052 for what is always a lively debate.
Contracting at the cutting edge of technology is exciting and produces great rates. But what happens when the contract ends and the mortgage payments must continue? More..
Guidebook app for SQLSaturday
SQLSaturday #141 – South Florida 2012 now has a guide on Guidebook! Get it for your device now – Improve your experience by taking the schedule, maps, Twitter and more with you on your phone or mobile device. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry and web-enabled devices, completely free. More..
What’s really going on in your neighborhood
Are you planning an event or looking for an event to attend? Visit our Event Seeker to share, discover, plan and subscribe. If you would like to promote your event through our newsletter or Event Seeker, please send the details to Alex@SherlockTech.com
Our Facebook page is a really great resource for the South Florida IT community as well as Job Seekers and Hiring Managers. We invite you to join our growing community, please visit our Facebook page and click the ‘Like’ button.
Thank you,
Alex Funkhouser, Alex@SherlockTech.com |