I can’t remember a busier schedule of events and networking opportunities than is currently unfolding in the coming weeks. Please save the date -May 16th- for a great WITI event ‘Social Media How To’s‘.
Have you entered your team for the Mercedes Benz Corporate Run, Miami? SherlockTech will be there and we’re expecting a huge turn out as Miami companies enjoy a beautiful evening of friendly competition.
Miami-Dade AOIT Students could benefit from 2012 Broad Prize
Miami-Dade has made important strides. So says Eli Broad, founder of The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. The annual $1 million award – the largest in the country – honors urban school districts that demonstrate the greatest overall performance and improvements in student achievements. This is the fifth year that Miami-Dade has been a finalist and as such will receive $150,000 in college scholarships with a possible $550,000 available if Miami-Dade wins the nomination. more
FAU Students win Startup Competition
SwitchMyBooks.com started as a way to cut down on the $2,500 that Jose Christiansen and Dave Fredericks spend on college textbooks each year. On Friday, it became their ticket to owning a growing business. The two Florida Atlantic University students, with the help of Fredericks’ dad, won first prize in FAU’s fourth annual business plan competition. They beat out more than 200 applicants for the top prize of $94,000 in cash and services. more
South Florida’s Digital Dreams – People Want To Be Here
John Sculley, Dan Cane and Ed Iacobucci are among a handful of technology geniuses who are making South Florida home and investing in the region’s companies, building new enterprises and nurturing other tech entrepreneurs. The South Florida Technology Alliance has shared that as of 2010, when the latest figures were available, South Florida has nearly 25,000 technology businesses. Florida ranks fifth in technology employment, after California, Texas, New York and Virginia, according to TechAmerica Foundation’s Cyberstates report. more
H.I.G. BioVentures II raises $268 million
H.I.G Capital of Miami today announced the successful closing of H.I.G. BioVentures II. At $268 million, the fund was oversubscribed and exceeded the $250 million target. The Fund will make venture capital investments in innovative, product development focused healthcare companies located throughout North America. The Fund will invest in a broad range of sectors and development stages, with a focus on pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and diagnostics. more
Our Facebook page is a really great resource for the South Florida IT community as well as Job Seekers and Hiring Managers. We invite you to join our growing community, please visit our Facebook page and click the ‘Like’ button.
Thank you,
Alex Funkhouser, Alex@SherlockTech.com |