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If you’re planning to hunt for another position, you’ll want to update your résumé, craft a compelling cover letter, and brush up on your interview skills.

If you’ve been perusing TikTok, Instagram, or the platform formerly known as Twitter, you may have seen the hashtag, #SeptemberSurge. That’s the term for the period after Labor Day when some career experts suggest hiring managers ramp up their efforts to acquire new talent. The latest U.S. jobs report suggests that the market isn’t quite as hot as it was, so job seekers will need to be mindful of challenges and consider tapping their network or even a career pivot to get ahead.

Don’t forget to ask your interviewer questions, too. Patrick Mullane, executive director of Harvard Business School Online, told Fast Company: â€śFirst, it’s a chance to learn something genuinely useful about the firm you might be joining. Second, you get to show that you’re thoughtful and conscientious. Both are hugely important as you look to make a change. Don’t waste the opportunity.”

If you’re planning to hunt for another position, you’ll want to update your rĂ©sumĂ©, craft a compelling cover letter, and brush up on your interview skills. But first, you need to ask yourself six questions, according to contributor Judith Humphrey. “You don’t want to waste your time—and everyone else’s—by applying randomly for 400 or 200 jobs. This leads to considerable frustration and a lot of ghosting.”

Although prevailing wisdom used to point toward keeping your work history confined to a single page, even early-career professionals can have a tough time managing this. That said, do keep it concise and as targeted to the job you want as possible. Recruiters spend just over seven seconds scanning it, so you want to ensure you stand out.

Read the complete Fast Company article BY LYDIA DISHMAN:

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