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It can be easy to fall victim to a lack of purpose and meaning after a long tenure.

Feeling stuck in a job, or on a career path, is common. You’ve been in your role for a long time and are restless. You find yourself asking, “Is this really what I want to do?” Or, you’re overwhelmed by the pressure of where you should be at your age. You have big dreams but achieving them feels impossible.

Getting unstuck is a challenge. We need to understand how growth works so we can accelerate it. We’re not built to stay in one place; we are hardwired for growth. By stepping back to plan ahead, we can go further, faster. A map can help us understand where and how to jump-start our growth journey. The “S curve of learning,” which helps illustrate this concept, is a visual representation I have developed.

Growth happens in a predictable way. Every skill learned or challenge faced takes the form of a distinct learning curve, the S curve, starting at the relatively flat launch point, moving into the high-incline sweet spot, and once again flattening out at mastery. Once we can pinpoint where we are in the growth process, we can decide what our next step will be.

Read the complete Fast Company article BY WHITNEY JOHNSON:

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