Have you ever written a macro? In the very near future, coding, like spreadsheets will likely be an important part of almost any tech oriented occupation.
Don’t believe me? Let’s go back to the early 80’s… In the days before personal computers and productivity software, company data was ‘owned’ by the IT dept; when mangers wanted reports, they would have to put in requests to the IT guru’s. Shortly after the introduction of desktop PC’s, DOS and Novel’s Netware, managers were empowered with the tools and technology to manage data. This new capability soon gave rise to the now ubiquitous training academy and certification industry. Let’s face it, computers are an integral part of the working lives of most Americans and in the not too distant future so will coding.
Here are just a few kid/teen friendly events taking place in your neighborhood.
Microsoft will be offering Summer Code Camps for 8 – 15 year olds at the Dadeland Mall Store from June 10 – August 16. Please contact Brittany Valdes at Britm@microsoft.com
Attend GSCIS’s Open House on June 8 and find out how one of our degrees can create unlimited career opportunities for you!