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South Florida Code Camp is looking for speakers and session leaders. The continuing goal of the Code Camps series is to provide an intensive developer to developer learning experience that is fun and technically stimulating. The primary focus is on delivering programming information and sample code that can be used immediately.

The event is free and all slides, manuals and demo code are provided free! As a community based event this is a general call for speakers and session leaders to help make this event a success.

The South Florida Code Camp will have 12 tracks of six – 70 min sessions with 10 min breaks between sessions and a free lunch. We are open to any type of session you want to hold although most are traditional presentations.

Requested Session Types:

Code focused presentation – These are presentations that include both power points and code demos. Given the audience that is attending it is important that a large amount of the presentation is focused on code and coding related techniques.

Click here for Presentation Suggestions

Chalk Talks – These sessions are designed as a facilitated discussion around a developer topic. They are presented as a free form facilitated discussion that leverages the expertise of the presenter and the combined knowledge of the group to explore a specific topic.

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