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Even short, 10-minute sessions can reduce stress and make you happier and more productive, this HR exec and meditation coach says.

Ask most people what they think of when they hear the word “meditation” and they might conjure up images of a spiritual guru or a Zen-like wellness studio in a leafy sanctuary visited by those seeking enlightenment. Yet, meditation is a very accessible practice that can be done anywhere and benefit anyone seeking stress reduction, increased self-awareness, and improved overall well-being, regardless of their background or lifestyle. I started meditating about 15 years ago at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed, inefficient, and stuck. The discipline and calm I’ve learned from practicing meditation have not only helped me personally but also to be more successful at work as an HR executive in a fast-paced investment firm.

Marketers often use these micro moments to sell us products and services because they understand how easy it is to manipulate us when we’re trying to distract ourselves from thoughts and feelings we don’t want to acknowledge.

Meditation teaches us how to let go of the thoughts and chatter that dominate our minds—and observe our surroundings and be fully present in our lives both at work and at home. It can help us navigate challenges that come up, and provide a sense of calm when chaos erupts. Teaching us to inhabit the spaces around and between our thoughts, enhances our focus and concentration in a world dominated by technology and noise.

The challenge I had to navigate for many years was profound discomfort with my anger. I taught myself at a young age that anger was bad and that I should block it and never show my discontent to the people around me. In reality, anger is an emotion that protects us by alerting us when something is wrong. Meditation allowed me to quietly sit and look at what was happening in my life with curiosity rather than judgment, which helped me harness the anger that I had been unable to release. Rather than continuing to suppress this feeling, meditation taught me that anger is a human emotion that everyone has the right to feel. Meditation has also helped me achieve stability and create more balance in my life and in my relationships.

read the complete Fast Company article BY KATE SWORDS:

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