When we insist that we can’t find good people or that no one wants to work, we place the blame for hiring challenges on workers instead of looking in the mirror.
“Looking for good people. No one wants to work.”
This is the phrase one small business owner uses constantly in the job openings he posts in my local Facebook community group. You’ve certainly heard remarks like these from business owners and leaders across industries of late. At a time when it seems harder than ever to find and keep devoted employees, maybe you’ve even uttered these sentiments yourself.
Companies that are not struggling to fill roles or retain workers are paying attention to these very factors. They understand that the era of trying to hire the best person for the job is over. Amid a white-hot labor market that’s expected to continue, they’re focusing on creating the best job for the person.
Unfortunately, this is one of several stories business owners and leaders are telling themselves about why hiring and retention remain such a challenge. If we’re going to attract and retain talent in this new age of work, we must debunk several of the persistent myths about what’s happening in the labor market.
While the Great Resignation has received widespread media coverage these past two years, hiring data brings clarity to what is really happening in the workforce. People aren’t quitting their jobs; they’re changing jobs.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), hiring continues to exceed quits across the economy. What’s clear is that people who are quitting their jobs are doing so to take better jobs.
Read the complete Fast Company article BYÂ JOE MULL: https://www.fastcompany.com/90880971/everyone-is-quitting-and-workforce-myths