Here’s why workers still have the upper hand on AI when it comes to creativity.
There have been some amazing anti-AI signs at the Writers Guild of America picket line: “WROTE CHAT GPT THIS” and “Let’s replace studio execs with AI.” The WGA is rightfully worried about AI’s potential to harm their industry and their livelihoods. And it isn’t just writers who are experiencing AI angst; according to a recent study from Microsoft, 49% of people are worried about AI taking their jobs.
But for now, there are limits to AI’s creative abilities, which means being creative continues to be one of the most valuable job skills of the future. “It’s easy for AI to come up with something novel just randomly,” says John Smith, IBM Research’s manager of multimedia and vision. “But it’s very hard to come up with something that is novel and unexpected and useful.”
If you can’t launch your own creative initiative, raise your hand for large, visible projects where you can showcase your creativity.
When it comes to working alongside AI, your career may be more secure if you can prove that you are creative enough to come up with fresh ideas that are creative, strategic, and valuable. We all are capable of thinking creatively. And so the question becomes: Do your colleagues know how creative you are?
Read the complete Fast Company article BY SARA WOSTER: