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If you want to start a professional speaking career, here’s how to pitch, get noticed, what to charge, and more.

Many professionals consider adding public speaking to their rĂ©sumĂ©s either as a way to add more skills and revenue streams or as a potential career change. My path to becoming a professional speaker was through social media and content marketing. If you’d like to start getting booked for events or even considered a “thought leader,” here’s some advice from experts who’ve done it.


I always tell my clients and students looking to grow their business to start teaching. Show your expertise. Publicly. Start creating videos and posts sharing your point of view and establishing your knowledge and credibility. People can’t hear you if you aren’t talking.

So what exactly should you post? Post videos of you adding value and sharing your knowledge, and share content that features you as a leader in your industry. For me, this means posting educational videos about how to make videos and podcasts and how to be more confident on camera. I also post footage of me teaching in real life—like guest-lecturing at Syracuse University, at the Fast Company Innovation Festival, or at a large Berkshire Hathaway Home Services real estate conference. Whether the audience is 10 students or 300 professionals, I practice the “show, don’t tell” method—showcasing that I am credible rather than just asserting it. 

Read the complete Fasst Company article BY KIM RITTBERG:

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