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April 14, 2016 @ 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM America/New York Timezone
Antique Car Museum
1527 SW 1st Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

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The explosion in new marketing technologies will disrupt how your customers interact with your brand. As a modern marketer, you’ll need to manage this increasingly complex landscape to keep pace. Join Scott Brinker, editor of and author of “Hacking Marketing” for an insightful look at the current marketing technology landscape and the forces shaping its evolution. Scott will also show you how to harness this seemingly chaotic environment to your advantage.


Scott Brinker, CTO, Ion Interactive.

Scott Brinker has been chronicling the rise of marketing technology and its changing marketing strategy, management, and culture on his blog,, since 2008. He is also the program chair of the MarTech conference, an international forum for understanding the many marketing technologies and how organizations can effectively integrate them into their marketing strategy. His new book, Hacking Marketing, offers a fresh look at marketing management in the digital world. A practicing marketing technologist, Scott is also the co-founder and CTO of ion interactive, a marketing software company that provides a platform for producing and delivering interactive content. He has degrees in computer science from Columbia and Harvard and an MBA from MIT. You can reach him on Twitter as @chiefmartec.